The Delivery of Decision: Turning Chaos to Order

Sep 01, 2023

Life is a series of choices - from the mundane day to day, to the mega life changes. Every decision you make shapes your path, determines your experiences, and influences your outcomes. The decisions you make are directly linked to your income, career, relationships, and health. The power to decide well is akin to having a superpower which will propel you towards all you truly want.

Yet, here is the paradox: for such a vital skill, decision-making is not universally taught. It's not on the curriculum of most schools, nor is it the centrepiece of corporate training programs; it really should be. By mastering decision-making, you stand out as a leader in a world where many shy away from making firm decisions, succumbing to the inertia of indecision.

The Ripple Effect: From Mind to Reality

The process of decision-making not only influences your external world but also holds the key to your inner peace. When you make choices aligned with your authentic self, your values and aspirations, you create harmony within yourself, eliminating inner conflict. 

Indecision is the culprit behind our personal internal wars. Indecision creates disorder in our minds and we feel it in our body, and see it in our world around us. The solution? 


When you make firm decisions in line with what you truly want, it is powerful! You set up order in your mind; you’ll feel it in your body, and your circumstances and conditions will begin to reflect that order in ways you can’t yet imagine. 

Deciding to Decide 

At the heart of effective decision-making lies a profound truth: A committed decision is a powerful mental move! And you don't need perfect conditions to make powerful decisions. Waiting for the stars to align or for all resources to be in full view before making a decision is a common pitfall.  

Instead, make your decisions toward what you want, right where you are with whatever you have right now. Confidently stepping forward in this way opens doors and also attracts to you all you require in order to see your vision realised. 

You really are like a painter, creating your outcomes with each brush-stroke, moment by moment.  As you decide on the outcome you truly desire, hold your image in mind, and see it often in imagination, you get clearer and clearer on what it looks like; you know what belongs in the picture and what doesn’t, and can make powerful decisions about what to put on the canvas and what to leave off it. Progress is then a process of ‘picking up’ all that matches your image, and ‘putting down’ all those things that don’t. 

The Fear of Failure 

Failure, or fear of failure, is the biggest reason most people don’t make decisions to advance toward what they truly desire. Here’s the truth; failure is not our enemy. All successful individuals experience failure; they simply refuse to let it define them or their goals. They see failure as an experience that brings them clarity, direction and growth. 

Quitting, on the other hand, is our true enemy. When you quit, you make a decision to fail. Remember, your desired outcome is to be held firmly in mind. The road to that outcome may change; it could be a winding path, full of ups and downs, roadworks and road blocks.  Yet at each turn you know, you have already determined, where it is you’re ultimately going. And as you continue to step in this way, the road will unfold before you. 

Crafting Your Vision: From Dreams to Reality 

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine your ideal life. What does it look like? What are you doing? Who are you with?  

Deciding what this vision looks like for you is the crucial beginning step.  Your dreams are your powerful guide. While some dismiss dreams as wishful thinking, they actually are the key to you expressing your full potential and living a life you absolutely love. 

Keeping your dream front and centre is like looking at a compass on the journey to your best life. You don't need to know all the twists and turns to embark on the journey. By making a decision to follow where your vision leads, you're setting the wheels in motion. The resources, ideas, and people you need will inevitably show up for you as you confidently walk your path. 

The Marvel of Advanced Decision-Making 

Making a decision well in advance - in line with the outcome you desire - is a game changer; it paves the way for ease and joy on the journey. Consider a person who is releasing weight. By deciding, well in advance, what they will and won’t eat, whether they will or won’t exercise, what they will and won’t buy in their grocery shopping; each of these advanced decisions eliminates the need to have the internal back and forth in the heat of the moment. It’s been decided; no discussion necessary, the decision has been made, the path is set. 

This concept applies to larger life decisions as well. Whether it's a career move, a lifestyle change, or a personal goal; setting your parameters with firm decisions well in advance streamlines your journey. It eradicates confusion, creates order and empowers you to navigate life with purpose, clarity and confidence. 

Breaking the Chains of Circumstance 

Current circumstances can often hold us hostage, becoming an excuse for not pursuing our dreams. But what if you could become the master of your circumstances? What if you already ARE creating your circumstances?! The truth is, your decisions, the choices you make moment by moment are the architects of your world.  

Consider this: When you say "I can't….", because of circumstances you are facing, you're locking yourself into a mental prison; the door to opportunity has been firmly shut, keeping you right where you are, with no other option being entertained. Instead, by making a decision based on what you truly desire, you will see at least one step revealed to you, and as you confidently take that one step, you will begin to see your circumstances change and opportunity open up.  

When John F. Kennedy aimed to put a man on the moon; when Edison entertained producing an incandescent bulb, when Steve Jobs went to invent the first iPad, none of them asked if it was possible. They first decided it was happening. The sheer power of their decision began a train of causation and the previously unimaginable became reality. 

The Art of Positive Imagery

Our thoughts are like the architects of our future. Positive thoughts lead to positive visions and give clarity to our decisions. Think of your thoughts as the seeds that grow into the garden of your life. That's why it's crucial to take charge of your thoughts – decide on the seeds you are planting - and direct them consciously and intentionally.

Visualising your ideals and successes is a potent practice which enables you to make firm decisions. Picture yourself living your goal achieved and absolutely loving the life you’ve created. As you engage in this visualisation regularly, you’ll see your vision more and more clearly and easily;  this affects the way you feel, and you will find decisions are made with more ease and enthusiasm, propelling you towards actions that align with what you truly desire.


In a world teeming with choices, understanding the power of decision is vital.

With the vision of the outcome you truly desire as your compass, you will confidently make committed decisions, steering you towards clarity, growth and fulfilment. By embracing the power of decision-making, you're firmly taking hold of the reins to your destiny. Remember, each decision is a brushstroke on the canvas of your life, adding vibrant colours and defining contours. 

So, as you stand at any crossroad in life, let your decisions be guided by your vision, values, and aspirations. Embrace failures as feedback, and choose persistence over quitting. Craft your decisions in advance, and break free from the chains of circumstance. Harness the art of positive visualisation and infuse your decisions with purpose and passion. 

In the grand masterpiece of existence, you're the artist, and decision-making is your brush. Paint your story with courage, intention, and unwavering determination. Your journey is waiting; your dreams are your compass, and committed decisions in line with your true north will take you inevitably to your desired destination.

Image and caption: Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

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