Life's too short to stay stuck.

Confidently create a life you love. 


What happened to the things you really wanted?

We all enter the world playful, curious and connected to our desires. We asked questions, we dreamt big. Over time, beaten and bruised by life’s experiences, we forgot our dreams, we learnt to survive at the price of feeling alive. This isn’t what you had planned but it can happen to anyone. 


Your dream is your guide. 

Your desire is like a navigation device, guiding you along a journey, (should you choose to accept it). I am here to support you on that journey of self-rediscovery as you create a life you love, authentic to you. Decide to step into the biggest and best version of yourself today. 

See How You Can Work With Di Here

Di Russell
Success Coach + Mindset Specialist

Di is a world-renowned Success Coach and Mindset Specialist with more than 25 years’ experience in the field of personal and professional development. She worked closely with Bob Proctor at his home in Canada prior to his passing in 2022, and is a student of quantum physics.

Di is an international speaker and thought-leader based in Adelaide, South Australia.

Following a challenging childhood and early adulthood, Di spent many years exploring various therapeutic pathways, striving to ‘fix’ her life, before stumbling across the work of Bob Proctor. It was through these age-old methods she discovered the ability to create positive and permanent changes. These are the same principles she now teaches to her clients.


It's so easy!

If you are willing to give this a chance, this will work for you. I'm a different person now and it's only been a few months. 

- Brandi

This changed my life!

I don't want to be the type of person who says 'this changed my life' but I have to be. I always say the best time to start saving is 20 years ago and the second best time is today. I can say the same thing for working with Di.

- Trevor

Real Results

Since working with Di, my business has increased amazingly by over 300% in just a small time. It's not only my business that has improved but my personal life as well. 

- Jarrod

Create a life you love


Our programs, courses and events invite you to reconnect with the person you really are, become aware of the choices that you have, get clear on what you really want from life, and understand how to get it.

We will show you the age-old principles, backed by science to help you understand the creative process that will enable you to manifest your dreams in both personal and professional realms. You will learn how to create and sustain changes in your own life with confidence. It's time to get excited about your future again and say goodbye to burnout.

Book a Call with Di Today to Find Out More.